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Golden Hangers has been servicing the dry cleaning needs of Southwest Suburbs for over 30 years. We are a complete, full-service Certified Professional Dry Cleaner & Certified Environmental Dry Cleaner.

At Golden Hangers, quality service to our customers is the #1 goal. We strive to achieve this with quality. We educated our employees who take pride in their work. We constantly update our employees with new ideas and training so they understand and work our philosophy.


Computerized Ticketing & Invoicing

Our unique computerized ticketing & invoicing system generates bar codes with your name and phone number on each tags on garments to have exact identity to match its own invoice.

Garment Finishing and Bagging

Reaching every customer's satisfaction is our ultimate goal. Our experienced employees inspect every article of clothing thoroughly for stains, missing buttons, and loose hems.


Satisfaction Guarantee

All of the work prepared by the Golden Hangers is 100% guaranteed. You will never pay for an article that is less than satisfactory.